• Your Best Life

    Some Day: Start Today

    “Someday” works great as an excuse until the days start to fly by, each one a carbon copy of the day before and dreams get shelved and instead of “someday” approaching, it looms ever farther in the distance. All the tomorrows are swallowed up by todays and someday hopes get lost in the shuffle of life. Striving for Someday Oh…

  • Your Best Life

    14 Common Items Repurposed

    I love, love, love to find uses for things other than their intended purpose. I don’t know why, but it brings me great joy to creatively repurpose things. Here are some ways I’ve found alternate uses for common items: 1.  Loofah sponge as a toothbrush holder – I do love this one. I have a love/hate relationship with toothbrush holders, I…

  • title and stop sign

    The 2 Rules My Kids Were Never Allowed to Break

    Every parent has that rule. You know, the one the kids know not to push. You might say that is true for all your rules, but you’re not fooling me. I’m a mom. I wanted my word to be law, but even when I really meant it, kids seem to instinctively know they can push a liiiiitttle bit more. But…

  • Your Best Life

    Gift Ideas for Men & Women

    The song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” But it can also be the most stressful. Unfortunately, gift giving often contributes to that stress, whether it’s because our budgets are stretched really thin or we don’t like to shop or we don’t know what to buy. Giving and receiving gifts should bring us joy and gratitude, but…

  • Pets

    9 Great Pets – Reviewed with Children in Mind

    Includes 3 Very Low Maintenance Options & 3 Common Choices That Are Not Ideal Sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of pet would best suit your family and your child, if you don’t have a lot of experience with animals. Enter me, black pants covered in cat hair, glasses askew because I fell while walking the dog, ringer off…

  • Pets

    5 Things You Need If You Have Pets

    There are just some things you need if you’re going to have pets. Besides patience and a strong stomach, of course. I mean real things that help make life easier. Having owned many pets over the years, here are five of my favorite things – basic, useful items that I wouldn’t want to do without: 1. Lint roller As a…

  • Your Best Life

    5 Things to Love about Fall & Winter

    Some Thoughts for People who Don’t Love Fall and Winter This definitely isn’t an article about pumpkin spice lattes (which I don’t like, much less love). Instead, it’s an honest look at 5 things I do really love about fall and winter, with some serious soul-searching about choosing to look for the things we love in every season. I’m a…

  • Encouragement,  Homeschooling

    Homeschooling an Introvert

    If you’re a parent of an introvert, you may be concerned that homeschooling your introvert will render your child incapable of engaging in conversation or life outside of the four walls of your home. You may think that they will NEVER meet any new people, broaden their horizons, or stretch outside their comfort zones. I’m an introvert, and, surprisingly, this…

  • Homeschooling

    Preschool at Home

    Many parents wonder what is expected when homeschooling their preschooler. Here are my thoughts on preschool at home, and how perfectly suited you are as the parent to continue doing exactly what you have been doing all this time – nurturing and teaching your child. When I was young, I didn’t know anyone that had gone to preschool. When our…

  • Encouragement,  Homeschooling

    Homeschooling an Extrovert

    You might be wondering if homeschooling an extrovert is a good idea. Or how you will keep them happily socializing with people. Or how you will keep them happily socializing with people without losing your sanity in the process.  Oh, those pesky socialization questions. Guaranteed to be asked by concerned friends and grandmas, nosy neighbors, and complete strangers, “What about…