Your Best Life

Some Day: Start Today

“Someday” works great as an excuse until the days start to fly by, each one a carbon copy of the day before and dreams get shelved and instead of “someday” approaching, it looms ever farther in the distance. All the tomorrows are swallowed up by todays and someday hopes get lost in the shuffle of life.

Striving for Someday

Oh my gosh, this blogging thing! Before I ever started, I thought I would do a little research if I wanted to have a blog – you know, figure out how to set this thing up so I’m not a total fool online…
Getting started seemed as complicated as herding cats, as the saying goes. I’m really supposed to have a ‘rhyme, a reason, and a logo.’

I found myself still “looking into it” a year later. I knew a little bit more about blogging, but I still hadn’t JUST STARTED.

The story of my life goes like this: if all my ducks have to get in line before it happens, it will never happen.

ducks in a row

I read seasoned bloggers’ advice to take a deep breath and just do it, no worries. But it does seem more overwhelming than imaginable to launch my thoughts in print. So many thoughts. So many things.

Well, my ducks are still a scattered mess yet I find myself online, rambling and learning and growing ever so slightly…and somehow you found yourself here, perhaps lamenting that your someday is no closer than it was many months or years ago.

Start Today

Maybe you’re here so I can say to you: that thing you’ve been wanting to do for yourself, those moments that you need to give to your health and well-being, that goal that scares you a little, don’t worry about all the details, just begin.

Begin where you are. With what you have. In any little way you can.

Don’t wait for perfection.

Don’t wait for someday – someday when the kids are grown, someday when I have the time, someday when I feel better, someday when I have more money, someday when I get a different job… “someday” has a way of being never.

The elusive tomorrow. Because when it arrives, it’s “today.”
So take the opportunity to move toward your goal today.

This is your someday.

woman & sunset

This is your journey. Don’t wait for a destination only to realize you missed the journey.

You were designed for the journey. You were equipped for this life. Your dreams hint at your purpose, your passion.

You are able to embrace life – if you choose. Right now, right where you are.

If you look for beauty, you will find it. If you look for excuses, you will find those, too.

Stepping out of your comfort zone may be uncomfortable or even seem impossible. Whether your purpose requires a change of location or just a change of perspective, change is not easy.

This is a ‘someday’ for me as I click “publish” and my thoughts launch onto the web. What is on your ‘someday’ list…and why not today?


Life presents us with many choices, and those choices can be life-altering.

Choosing joy.

Choosing forgiveness.

Choosing to love yourself.

Choosing to choose instead of submitting to fear or doubt. 

To change jobs, end a toxic relationship, write that book, take that trip, make that phone call…

Each day, they are all choices – and they’re up to us.

A Rhyme (literally!) & A Reason

And just like that, as I was writing and thinking of how to encourage you (and myself), this familiar rhyme came to mind:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

The reason is simple: you were made for this. You’re one of a kind, and your purpose is uniquely yours.

And the other reason is this: Only you can. Ultimately, other people can’t make this decision for you. Other people can’t live your life.

Other people may not understand your dream or your goal. That doesn’t make it irrelevant. Or impossible. It makes it yours.

Today is your Someday

There’s always a road in the wood, and I’ve decided to put my hiking boots on.

Join me. Make a choice today that gets you closer to your goals, closer to your purpose, closer to achieving your dreams.

Then tomorrow, make that choice again.

Put on your hiking boots, because it’s going to be hard and you need to be intentional about it. We fear a misstep or failure or rejection – maybe we should fear not starting at all, not making a choice at all.

Choose to make today your someday. JUST START.

hiker on trail

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